Thursday 24 October 2013

But that's not me

I'm not particularly experienced at writing my thoughts and displaying them to the people of the internet, but I enjoy finding new music within and outwith Glasgow and sharing it with other people. Often I hear people say: "I literally listen to everything, I have a really wide and varied taste", I admire people like that, but that's not me. I do have a core of genres that I base my listening on: indie, alternative, mod. But when I hear something that I wouldn't usually associate with my prefer genres and I know its good, I like to talk to people about it.

I'm Stephen, I am at university studying physical education, a complete opposite to this blog, but going to gigs and scrolling through soundlcoud is a release for me. Blogging is something I have wanted to try and I'm eager to share music that I have found: old or new. So check out some of the music I have been enjoying and see if you like it.

Here is a band I recently discovered from a Peace gig. I then saw their free gig at Sleazy's, a band that I'm sure will be a future cover for NME


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